Altar servers serve the priest at Mass in the name of the parish community. Duties of the altar server involve assisting the priest before and during Mass with lighting candles, carrying the cross, ringing bells, carrying the books used during Mass, bringing the wine and water to the altar, and saying prayers. To become an altar server, you must have received First Communion, be at least in Grade 3, and a regular communicant of Divine Mercy Parish. Altar servers need to be familiar with the order of the Mass and the prayers included in the Mass. Training is provided. For more information and a schedule of training sessions, please call the Parish office at (603) 924-7647.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic ministers distribute the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord to the assembled community. They also bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound.
The qualifications to become an Eucharistic minister are: you must be at least sixteen, Confirmed, a regular communicant of Divine Mercy Parish, and living a life in keeping with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. If you are married, or have been divorced and have remarried, your current marriage must be recognized as a valid marriage by the Catholic Church.
Eucharistic ministers are appointed by the Bishop for three years. After this time they may be reappointed if this is mutually agreeable to the individual and the community they serve. If you are being “called” to this ministry, please contact the pastor.
Leaders of Song and Musicians
It is said that s/he who sings prays twice! There is nothing like well-chosen music to enhance our liturgical celebrations. If you have a love for singing and music, consider participating in our choir or our contemporary music ministry. Those interested in knowing more about the choir should contact Matt LaCroix at (603) 305-4899. If contemporary music is your interest, please call Brenda or Ray Wesoly at (603) 547-2670.
We desire to be a welcoming parish and to promote and encourage all to feel part of our church family. Greeters arrive 15 to 20 minutes prior to the Mass they are attending to offer a greeting to people as they enter our church. For more information, please the offfice (603) 924-7647.
To proclaim God's Word is a powerful and awesome ministry. Lectors present the Old and New Testament readings at Mass and at other liturgical services. Parishioners who are teenagers or older may qualify for this ministry. Comfort and poise in public speaking are essential. Lectors need to prepare by reading the material ahead of time so as to be comfortable with the pronunciation of all words and for an understanding of the meaning of the passages that will be proclaimed. Lectors should arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of time to confirm: the name of the celebrant, which songs will be sung, any special collections or announcements, and the names of the Eucharistic ministers, altar servers and music ministers.
A helpful publication, Workbook for Lectors, is provided by the parish for each lector.
For more information, please call the Parish office at (603) 924-7647.
Men and women from teenage years on up ensure that parishioners are welcome to our Masses and other Services. Specifically, ushers help people find seats and also assure that the monies are secured. Ushers need to arrive at church 20 minutes prior to Mass to assist with seating, arrange for presenters of gifts, hand out missals/song books, and hand out bulletins at the end of Mass. Ushers also monitor the parking lot to be sure there is a fire lane, and need to be ready to assist in a medical emergency or evacuation. For more information on becoming an usher, please call the Parish office at (603) 924-7647.